UITableView moveRow(at: IndexPath, to: IndexPath) works differently when tableView.dragInteractionEnabled = true, and causes my (dev) app to crash when a move (even when not issued by drag-and-drop) completely empties a section of my table view. It’s been frustrating!

🎙 I have fallen 15 episodes behind in my “Security Now” listening. I do like the podcast, but listening to it is a little like “eating my vegetables” sometimes. I’m trying to catch up somewhat today.

After reading all the reviews, (like this one) I really want two HomePods with AirPlay 2 working. (Oh, god, what is wrong with me?! 😂)

Today at work I thought: “I wish I was better at Awk”. The last time I thought that was 5 years ago…which is why I am not better at Awk.

On my lunch break I submitted a new build of SwiftoDo to the App Store. My release philosophy has changed this year. I’m leaning toward releasing smaller updates, more frequently.

Work today is more about juggling priorities than anything else: data mining, sampling, database development, calls and meetings, and so on.

I have been enjoying the Roughly app’s complication (on the bottom, in the picture) for the Apple Watch. It’s a little frivolous to display the approximate time in words, but it’s also a little frivolous to use analog watch faces on a digital device.

Fact: Decaf coffee does not count as real coffee!

Goal #1 for the week: Reduce coffee consumption to one cup per day. But…does decaf count? Perhaps I am not off to a good start.

🏈 My Super Bowl menu: sirloin steak, caramelized onions, garden salad, French bread with brie or honey butter, as well as tortilla chips, pita chips, hummus, and salsa. Food is the best part of the game!

🏈 I am excited about the Super Bowl but I am feeling very conflicted about football in general now. I skipped the entire regular season because I think the sport is dangerous and unethical. So I have a strange mixture of excitement and disgust today. 🤷‍♂️

Ain’t Misbehavin' at NJPAC was absolutely wonderful tonight. The performers were excellent and the audience got really loose and into it after itermission. It was great fun to watch. My wife and I loved it and had a lovely time together.

I’m not sure what the biggest headache was for me today: my actual migraine, or my trip to Wegmans the day before the Super Bowl.

I realized recently that Google’s killing of Google Reader made me never trust them again as a customer. They launch and then kill too many products. I still use Search, Gmail, and AdWords, but when it to comes to Android, Home, Assistant, and so on, I am out.

SwiftoDo 2.7.1 is now available in the App Store. It includes minor updates and bug fixes.

Based on my podcast listening for the week, I’ve concluded (and I’m being half serious here) that Amazon Alexa’s key feature, and Siri’s key shortcoming, is support for multiple named kitchen timers. That seems like an easy gap to fill. When Apple will finally ship that feature?

I’ve got a couple releases lined up for my iOS app, and need to think about a total rewrite for its macOS counterpart. So, instead of doing anything constructive tonight, I am watching “Supergirl”. Rest is good sometimes, no?

I’m thoroughly enjoying Matt Birchler’s “HomePod Testing” playlist on Apple Music 🎵. Each track is well produced and interesting. It’s great music to work to.

I spent my evening figuring out how to transfer an 18-year-old domain name and several personal websites to new hosting providers. It’s not something I do every day, so I won’t be surprised if something gets screwed up—not that it matters too much.

The program I wrote yesterday has been running, with no output whatsoever, for over 12 hours now, and is nowhere near done. So, how do you, time- and space- efficiently, search for 60,000 strings within 20 million lines of text? 😅

It looks like I will be working overtime this week. Things are crazy. I think I am involved in getting two or three new practice lines off the ground.

I’m coding something new for work today, mostly because ACL can’t read my enormous data files correctly all the way through.

Every font on all my devices somehow looks different to me today. What the heck happened to my eyes?

Today was unexpectedly full of proposal work for me. I think I need to help revamp how we write proposals at my firm. It was so hectic and we could have done better if we had more time.

The New York Times crossword puzzle app and, of course, Micro.blog, have now taken over the time I had previously allotted to Twitter. My mental state is much better, though I am starting think of all words in terms of how many letters are in them.