One of the difficulties my family has had due to the pandemic is finding a suitable summer camp experience for my nine-year-old daughter. She loves camp, and there was no camp last year. This summer, we opted for what we thought was the safest camp option: a drama camp that promised to be outside only (under tents and such) or virtual if the weather was bad (presumably, if it rained).

Yesterday, a day before camp starts (which is today), the camp changed its terms. It would count heat and humidity as bad weather and would move camp indoors pretty much full time, based on the weather forecasts we have around here. The camp surveyed parents over the weekend and the majority of the parents presumably agreed to this. We, however, did not.

My wife is trying to find an alternative camp now, which is not easy last minute (at least around here). Camps start enrolling in October (which seems absolutely crazy to me). I hope she can work something out.

What I find frustrating about summer now (and this is in New Jersey, not exactly in the South) is that the heat, humidity, air quality, and afternoon thunderstorms make outdoor activities incredibly difficult. It seems like summer is not a good time for summer camp anymore, which doesn’t make sense.